Tuesday, July 31, 2018

~Teapot for Jesus~

Sipping my tea here with you...savoring the taste...I look up at a shelf on my wall with special tea cups (they were either my mom's or my grandma's) and see a very special teapot. The teapot has survived many years...and many teas. My mom used to have teas at our home. I remember the ladies sitting around our dining room table smiling and talking but what I remember most is the teapot. I would follow my mom around the table from lady to lady as she poured the tea from this teapot. You see, this teapot would play "Tea for Two" and I enjoyed hearing the tune. There was a little thing you wound up on the bottom of the pot that could not be seen unless you were looking at the bottom of the teapot. Who looks at the bottom of a teapot? The tea bags were in the teapot to steep and create tasty tea. The pot had beautiful flower designs on the outside with an attractive spout. The song, oh the song was cheery that came from within. Amazingly, the lovely teapot has withstood time. There are no cracks in it. It still sings when wound. It can still hold the hot water and teabags. It still has a purpose. I prefer to allow it to set, along with my other collectible tea things, on a shelf above the rest of the room.

How like the teapot we are....or should be. The tea bags are set inside and the string and tags draped over the side. We are given Truth, the Word of God. If we add the water (baptism) of the Holy Spirit the flavor of the Word will steep and filter through our souls. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit so we need to do our best to care for them. We need to eat healthy and keep active in some way. Just as the teapot is attractive on the outside keeping the pretty flowers and no cracks and there are no issues on the inside. The song in our heart and soul comes from an inner source, Jesus. As it says in Psalm 118:14, "The Lord is my strength and my song, He has become my salvation." Therefore, what pours out of us, as the spout of the teapot, is the flavored tea....the Truth inside us.

I have written of the Truth in previous writings. When we truly make time to be with Father, we will know Truth because HE is Truth. His Word is Truth. There are several verses in the Bible telling us that He is Truth. You can do a search. When we obey Him and learn His Truth, we will have whatever it takes to fight off the enemy. The enemy doesn't want the Holy Spirit poured into your soul. He doesn't want you to steep the Holy Spirit because he knows that when you do, you will have more power than he could ever have in the name of Jesus. When we have that Holy Spirit Power we have more power than that that raised Jesus from the dead. THAT is a LOT of POWER! Imagine if even a fraction of those of us who say we are followers of Jesus would truly believe, obey, and receive that Power! Wow! We would be HOT (like the hot tea water) for Jesus and whatever needs to be done in His name. We need to soak up the Word of God so that we can pour out His Truth to those around us AND when the enemy comes to attack. Because of the Power, the enemy is a saucer (under that teacup waiting to be filled with the Word) but he doesn't have the hold if we take captive every word and thought (2 Corinthians 10:5) and obey Christ. When we reach out to those around us, filling them with the goodness (Truth) of Jesus, we have obeyed our Father and now ti is up to the person has to decide what to do. The other aspect of Truth, as I have said, is that the Truth is a sword (as in Ephesians 6) and when the enemy comes at us, we need to use that sword to battle for our soul. Know the Truth! Memorize!

The teapot has been taken care of. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 it reads, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." This is an issue for many of us. It is easy to be lazy and eat whatever and not move our bodies more. To me, this says to obey God and take care of our bodies. Do the best we can with what we live in. The teapot is the outer shell as our bodies are our outer selves. The teapot holds inside what is truly important, the Truth but it also needs to be well cared for. I urge you to talk to Father about what He wants you to do to take care of your body!

Ah, the song! Jesus is OUR song! As long as we keep Him "wound up" inside us we will have the melody Jesus gives. Just as that little wind-y thing on the bottom of the teapot needs assistance, so we need to keep Jesus active in our hearts, minds, and souls! Until recently, I never really thought of Jesus as a song in my heart and soul. I never really "got it". So, what does it mean that Jesus is our song? What does a song do? It expresses the attitude and emotion of the composer. We, followers of Jesus, have the Composer living within us who gives us the song in our hearts and souls! Read again,  Psalm 118:14, "The Lord is my strength and my song, He has become my salvation." 

Remember, dear one, Jesus is Truth and our Song! With Truth we can show others who He is! With Truth we can overcome the enemy! With the Song we can have His Joy and Peace! My dear friend, keep the Melody in your heart and soul! Go about your day in the victory of Truth! 


  1. I'm glad I finally had time to sit and read this. I really liked it and loved the image of you following Mom and her teapot around the group of ladies. I remember those teas too and I remember that tea pot. I'm glad you have it and treasure it. You made a great analogy in this - very meaty. So glad you're writing.
