Tuesday, July 24, 2018

~Divine Introductions~

As I sit sipping my tea, I think back to last week. I was away. It was a family time of relaxation and simply being alone together. That doesn't happen enough with families. During our time together we made a stop at a place that I saw along the road through town. We stopped. It wasn't open but would be open until 5:00 p.m the next day. My husband assured me that we could return tomorrow.

The following day, the promise was kept. It was the first place we stepped foot in when we arrived in that city. Introductions were made to the lady working there and we began to strike up a conversation. During our chat, another lady entered and the four of us began conversing.

There was something about this lady. Her eyes shown. She was alight with conversation with words telling me she knows our Father. It was pretty cool. I was glad to see someone with such energy and boldness. The two of us hit if off conversationally. She cheerfully asked to "friend" me on Facebook. We set that up right then and there on our cell phones. We talked some more and then were on our way.

I excitedly talked to my husband about the new friend I met. In my head I was thinking, "I really want to get to know her. She seems like a truly sincere follower of Jesus but I don't want to blow her away and throw all sorts of information about myself at her." I was thankful that God introduced us.

Settling back at the place where we were staying. I picked up my cell phone and got into Facebook. I became a "stalker" ha ha! as I noticed that she had some friends who had mutual friends of mine. I was intrigued so I scrolled through some of them. Some of her friends knew my aunt right next door to where we were staying, some new two different cousins of mine, some knew my friend in the Upper Peninsula, some knew people from my church. This was NOT a coincidence that we met.

I decided to message her and get to know her a little better. We talked a little in messenger. Come to find out, some of the people who were friends of mine and her friends knew each other through the ministry, Keryx. This is where the truly God introduction part comes in...my new friend told me that her father in law lived in my town. She said his wife had passed away and she was concerned for him. She shared with me how she had been praying that he would attend a church. She told me she would mention to him meeting some people from town. She wanted to be careful in her wording to him. In all of this...I have no doubt that God introduced us that day.

First of all, we (my family) did not have plans to be vacationing in northern Michigan during the week we met. Our plans were changed and it worked out for us to stay in the quietness of the North. Secondly, the place where I had stopped had been closed during my first stop. Thirdly, people don't just wander in during that time of day and strike up conversations. Our Father allowed us to have a connection for a divine purpose. My friend asked me to pray for her father in law. I LOVE to pray! Of course I will pray for him!

God is good...All the time...All the time...God is good! 

Father heard a prayer I said to Him just a day before meeting my friend. I had asked for another Jesus-y friend. Father only knows what will become of this friendship. My new friend is on FIRE for Jesus and it was encouraging to see and hear! As I said, you could see Jesus in her eyes! This meeting was from Jesus. Her father in law needs prayer, and I am blessed to be able to pray for him. 

In sharing this whole encounter with you, I hope that you will be encouraged in realizing that you never know who Father may introduce you to. He uses a variety of ways to introduce. I met another friend (now friends on Facebook) because I was a consult for my plastic surgeon (from having reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy). I would be asked if I would talk with various patients. 

I contacted a patient who had some questions and concerns. We began to open up and talk more freely. Somehow she had met my son at a conference where her son spoke. The truly awesome thing was that she was a follower of Jesus and now we converse some and I asked her if she would read over a devotional I feel led to write (to begin in the fall). She said she would be glad to.

I thank God for introducing me to these two ladies! You never know...as God only knows...who you may meet up with, strike up a conversation with, and begin a friendship with.....through the Divine Introduction of Father! 

I want to inspire you to continue conversing with Father as you go about your day but also to pour out your heart to Him during your times of quiet aloneness with Him. During such times He will speak with you! He will hear your heart cries! I find it helpful to keep a journal of my thoughts and prayers to Him. I like to look back, reading what He and I have been through together and read answers to prayers. I want to encourage you to do these things because I believe it will prepare your heart, soul, and mind for Divine Introductions. We never know who we will meet. We never know upon meeting someone that our words to them could encourage them. God knows! God introduces! Fix your heart, soul, and mind on Jesus. 

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up just as you are doing." ~1 Thessalonians 5:11

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