Tuesday, July 31, 2018

~Teapot for Jesus~

Sipping my tea here with you...savoring the taste...I look up at a shelf on my wall with special tea cups (they were either my mom's or my grandma's) and see a very special teapot. The teapot has survived many years...and many teas. My mom used to have teas at our home. I remember the ladies sitting around our dining room table smiling and talking but what I remember most is the teapot. I would follow my mom around the table from lady to lady as she poured the tea from this teapot. You see, this teapot would play "Tea for Two" and I enjoyed hearing the tune. There was a little thing you wound up on the bottom of the pot that could not be seen unless you were looking at the bottom of the teapot. Who looks at the bottom of a teapot? The tea bags were in the teapot to steep and create tasty tea. The pot had beautiful flower designs on the outside with an attractive spout. The song, oh the song was cheery that came from within. Amazingly, the lovely teapot has withstood time. There are no cracks in it. It still sings when wound. It can still hold the hot water and teabags. It still has a purpose. I prefer to allow it to set, along with my other collectible tea things, on a shelf above the rest of the room.

How like the teapot we are....or should be. The tea bags are set inside and the string and tags draped over the side. We are given Truth, the Word of God. If we add the water (baptism) of the Holy Spirit the flavor of the Word will steep and filter through our souls. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit so we need to do our best to care for them. We need to eat healthy and keep active in some way. Just as the teapot is attractive on the outside keeping the pretty flowers and no cracks and there are no issues on the inside. The song in our heart and soul comes from an inner source, Jesus. As it says in Psalm 118:14, "The Lord is my strength and my song, He has become my salvation." Therefore, what pours out of us, as the spout of the teapot, is the flavored tea....the Truth inside us.

I have written of the Truth in previous writings. When we truly make time to be with Father, we will know Truth because HE is Truth. His Word is Truth. There are several verses in the Bible telling us that He is Truth. You can do a search. When we obey Him and learn His Truth, we will have whatever it takes to fight off the enemy. The enemy doesn't want the Holy Spirit poured into your soul. He doesn't want you to steep the Holy Spirit because he knows that when you do, you will have more power than he could ever have in the name of Jesus. When we have that Holy Spirit Power we have more power than that that raised Jesus from the dead. THAT is a LOT of POWER! Imagine if even a fraction of those of us who say we are followers of Jesus would truly believe, obey, and receive that Power! Wow! We would be HOT (like the hot tea water) for Jesus and whatever needs to be done in His name. We need to soak up the Word of God so that we can pour out His Truth to those around us AND when the enemy comes to attack. Because of the Power, the enemy is a saucer (under that teacup waiting to be filled with the Word) but he doesn't have the hold if we take captive every word and thought (2 Corinthians 10:5) and obey Christ. When we reach out to those around us, filling them with the goodness (Truth) of Jesus, we have obeyed our Father and now ti is up to the person has to decide what to do. The other aspect of Truth, as I have said, is that the Truth is a sword (as in Ephesians 6) and when the enemy comes at us, we need to use that sword to battle for our soul. Know the Truth! Memorize!

The teapot has been taken care of. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 it reads, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." This is an issue for many of us. It is easy to be lazy and eat whatever and not move our bodies more. To me, this says to obey God and take care of our bodies. Do the best we can with what we live in. The teapot is the outer shell as our bodies are our outer selves. The teapot holds inside what is truly important, the Truth but it also needs to be well cared for. I urge you to talk to Father about what He wants you to do to take care of your body!

Ah, the song! Jesus is OUR song! As long as we keep Him "wound up" inside us we will have the melody Jesus gives. Just as that little wind-y thing on the bottom of the teapot needs assistance, so we need to keep Jesus active in our hearts, minds, and souls! Until recently, I never really thought of Jesus as a song in my heart and soul. I never really "got it". So, what does it mean that Jesus is our song? What does a song do? It expresses the attitude and emotion of the composer. We, followers of Jesus, have the Composer living within us who gives us the song in our hearts and souls! Read again,  Psalm 118:14, "The Lord is my strength and my song, He has become my salvation." 

Remember, dear one, Jesus is Truth and our Song! With Truth we can show others who He is! With Truth we can overcome the enemy! With the Song we can have His Joy and Peace! My dear friend, keep the Melody in your heart and soul! Go about your day in the victory of Truth! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

~Divine Introductions~

As I sit sipping my tea, I think back to last week. I was away. It was a family time of relaxation and simply being alone together. That doesn't happen enough with families. During our time together we made a stop at a place that I saw along the road through town. We stopped. It wasn't open but would be open until 5:00 p.m the next day. My husband assured me that we could return tomorrow.

The following day, the promise was kept. It was the first place we stepped foot in when we arrived in that city. Introductions were made to the lady working there and we began to strike up a conversation. During our chat, another lady entered and the four of us began conversing.

There was something about this lady. Her eyes shown. She was alight with conversation with words telling me she knows our Father. It was pretty cool. I was glad to see someone with such energy and boldness. The two of us hit if off conversationally. She cheerfully asked to "friend" me on Facebook. We set that up right then and there on our cell phones. We talked some more and then were on our way.

I excitedly talked to my husband about the new friend I met. In my head I was thinking, "I really want to get to know her. She seems like a truly sincere follower of Jesus but I don't want to blow her away and throw all sorts of information about myself at her." I was thankful that God introduced us.

Settling back at the place where we were staying. I picked up my cell phone and got into Facebook. I became a "stalker" ha ha! as I noticed that she had some friends who had mutual friends of mine. I was intrigued so I scrolled through some of them. Some of her friends knew my aunt right next door to where we were staying, some new two different cousins of mine, some knew my friend in the Upper Peninsula, some knew people from my church. This was NOT a coincidence that we met.

I decided to message her and get to know her a little better. We talked a little in messenger. Come to find out, some of the people who were friends of mine and her friends knew each other through the ministry, Keryx. This is where the truly God introduction part comes in...my new friend told me that her father in law lived in my town. She said his wife had passed away and she was concerned for him. She shared with me how she had been praying that he would attend a church. She told me she would mention to him meeting some people from town. She wanted to be careful in her wording to him. In all of this...I have no doubt that God introduced us that day.

First of all, we (my family) did not have plans to be vacationing in northern Michigan during the week we met. Our plans were changed and it worked out for us to stay in the quietness of the North. Secondly, the place where I had stopped had been closed during my first stop. Thirdly, people don't just wander in during that time of day and strike up conversations. Our Father allowed us to have a connection for a divine purpose. My friend asked me to pray for her father in law. I LOVE to pray! Of course I will pray for him!

God is good...All the time...All the time...God is good! 

Father heard a prayer I said to Him just a day before meeting my friend. I had asked for another Jesus-y friend. Father only knows what will become of this friendship. My new friend is on FIRE for Jesus and it was encouraging to see and hear! As I said, you could see Jesus in her eyes! This meeting was from Jesus. Her father in law needs prayer, and I am blessed to be able to pray for him. 

In sharing this whole encounter with you, I hope that you will be encouraged in realizing that you never know who Father may introduce you to. He uses a variety of ways to introduce. I met another friend (now friends on Facebook) because I was a consult for my plastic surgeon (from having reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy). I would be asked if I would talk with various patients. 

I contacted a patient who had some questions and concerns. We began to open up and talk more freely. Somehow she had met my son at a conference where her son spoke. The truly awesome thing was that she was a follower of Jesus and now we converse some and I asked her if she would read over a devotional I feel led to write (to begin in the fall). She said she would be glad to.

I thank God for introducing me to these two ladies! You never know...as God only knows...who you may meet up with, strike up a conversation with, and begin a friendship with.....through the Divine Introduction of Father! 

I want to inspire you to continue conversing with Father as you go about your day but also to pour out your heart to Him during your times of quiet aloneness with Him. During such times He will speak with you! He will hear your heart cries! I find it helpful to keep a journal of my thoughts and prayers to Him. I like to look back, reading what He and I have been through together and read answers to prayers. I want to encourage you to do these things because I believe it will prepare your heart, soul, and mind for Divine Introductions. We never know who we will meet. We never know upon meeting someone that our words to them could encourage them. God knows! God introduces! Fix your heart, soul, and mind on Jesus. 

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up just as you are doing." ~1 Thessalonians 5:11

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

~Freedom in De-Cluttering Heart, Soul, and Mind~

Have you ever had one of those "this and that" mornings? Today! As I was talking with Father this morning during my Inspirational time...I was telling Him  how I had to take care of some things before I could sit down here and talk with you. I had to take care of a few little "this and thats" before I knew I could fully focus here with you. I also told Him...we...(He and I) would write together here. I so enjoy expressing with Him!

I have been going through a variety of writings about de-cluttering and minimalizing. I am far from a minimalist but I am closer than I was! I have been de-cluttering THINGS in my home. A meme on Pinterest reads: Minimalism isn't about removing the things you love. It's more about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.

There are so many "types" of de-cluttering. For instance, I de-cluttered my summer clothes and my clothing barely takes any closet space. I love that! I only wore what I liked anyhow, so now only what I like hangs in my closet as a choice. I de-cluttered "stuff"...and still am! If it was buried in a cupboard somewhere...what good was it? Gone! There are many things we can de-clutter. Today I got rid of a social media site that quite honestly just takes up time to check out. Sure the pictures and memes were fun and interesting but my eyes and mind have enough to do with what I do have in social media. There comes a time, when you sit down, evaluate, and realize that "I have a lot of STUFF in my life". Is it all necessary? 

We can clutter our homes with things...oh it was on sale so what a bargain...is it a bargain if it brings more clutter to your home and atmosphere? We can clutter our lives with all sorts of social media...busy-ness...people...We can clutter our minds with worry...stresses...fears...

It is truly liberating when we free ourselves of STUFF...TIME HOGS...MIND WASTERS! I am not here to tell you of all the things and ways to de-clutter. You can do searches online for all of that. I am here to inspire you to begin to think about doing such things because when you de-clutter it is truly liberating! You feel a freedom. Your mind becomes more alive, fresh, and alert.

Who doesn't want to be more alive, fresh, and alert in Jesus? When our homes and lives are de-cluttered we have that sense of more freedom...more freedom in Jesus. 

I have been learning this summer. I thought that I had it mostly all learned because of my different health issues in the past. I thought I had learned to relax mentally taking time to simply sit with Father. I did learn. It was simply the start! I have learned more this summer. I have learned to simply sit! Sit with my cup of tea. Listen to Father. Converse with Father. Yes! I have done those things but...As I am learning to de-clutter my home and more...I am learning to de-clutter time with Father.

When I sit with Him, there is a freedom. A mental freedom. A spiritual freedom. Freedom in my soul! As it says in John 8:36, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!" 

How do we receive this freedom? We de-clutter our hearts! In verse thirty four Jesus tells us that whoever practices sin is a slave to sin. We know that sin is anything that goes against God and Truth and the Truth of God's Word. There is no need for me to list the variety of sins. You know your battles and struggles. If you continue to give in to them, Jesus says you are a slave to them. Your struggles, battles, and sinning clutter your mind, heart, and soul. 

So, how do we de-clutter our mind, heart, and soul? Jesus gives a simple answer in verses 31 and 32. "If you abide in my word you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." It's that simple! Clear your clutter! Clear things out of your heart, soul, and mind that have no business being there. You know what they are! Simply take them to Jesus. Give them up. Tell Him you want to "clean house". Talk things out with Him and listen. He will tell you what to get rid of. Then as it says in verse thirty six...."So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!" Now what? You have that awesome spiritual freedom in your heart, soul, and mind. What are you in for?

I believe that true freedom from Jesus is different for us all as we are all individuals and He knows our inner most being (Psalms 139). So, it is up to us to MAKE the time to experience Jesus. As I said earlier, I have been learning this summer. I am learning how much MORE of Jesus I need. I have also been learning to BE STILL with Him. I can hear you now. Be still? My life is too busy and too hectic! There is just way too much going on. My response. Read from the beginning of what I am telling you...DE-CLUTTER! Get rid of time wasters in your life. You know what they are. Ask Father to help you de-clutter your schedule. Trust me! He will! He wants more than ANYthing to be with you! To sit with you! To converse with you! 

I cherish more than ANYthing my stillness with Father! Sometimes I simply sit quietly with Him. I wait for something to enter my mind. I ask Him why I just have a calm and no real "whoosh" of  His presence. His answer is simply, "My calm is what you need! You don't have to FEEL some sort of hovering over your mind." (That hovering is like a hand I have felt before on my mind, His hand) "I am more than a feeling. Sometimes you merely need My calm!" I sit in stillness...in His freedom of heart, soul, and mind. 

I hope to inspire you to let yourself be free in Jesus. His freedom is for everyone and it is such an exhilaration! De-clutter your heart, mind, and soul. Experience His Truth! Experience His freedom INDEED! Make time with Jesus your priority! Remove the things that distract you from your First Love...Jesus!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

~Refreshed Soul On Fire~

Join me on this hot July day...sipping my iced tea from my Libby goblet. It is so refreshing! Speaking of refreshing...it is a good time to refresh your soul. Your soul.....the moral nature, the quality that causes emotion and sentiment, the spiritual and moral force...

As I have mentioned, Father has told me to read through the Psalms. For me, He has told me not to read any other "Christian" books at this time but to focus on the Psalms. I am learning why! So much "soul" is written into the Psalms. There are moments of refreshing, moments of heart cries to God, moments of proclaiming very passionately how God is truly needed, exclaiming that Father God is our Rock...our fortress. He is our stronghold! I am seeing and grasping what Father God wanted me to glean from the Psalms. Also, He was wanting me to be obedient...DO what He says!

Yes! The Psalms are full of "soul". I am going to start now saying, when I write to you I wont apologize for what I say as I am speaking Truth in love. Think what you want of the writer here, but this lady is bursting inside her head and dancing with Jesus. Our dances vary. I am not one to burst out what I know as Truth or what I believe. I do so in more subtle ways. Sometimes here when I talk to you, I don't hold back as much as I do verbally. Writing is my passion and Father wants me to talk with you :) 

Your soul...that moral nature, the quality that causes emotions and sentiment, the spiritual and moral force...needs tended to.

So, how do we tend to our soul? Return to that familiar Psalm. The twenty third Psalm. I chose the familiar although there are several written about refreshing and resting in Father. When you read the Psalm, don't just say to yourself, "yeah, yeah I know this one" and read over it quickly...focus...focus on the familiar Psalm.

Verse 1~ The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

What does that mean to you? I am giving not answers here as my hope is that you are in a quiet place listening to Father God. What does this mean to you?

Verse 2~ He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters.

Oh how wonderful! Notice that it isn't suggested that you lie down...you are MADE to lie down...it is NECESSARY to get the rest for your soul...so..Go with me to that lush greenness! Imagine the plush and lush green pasture and lying in it looking up at the wonders of the sky. Truly make the time to absorb Jesus and rest and refresh. You can hear the quiet waters nearby...the trickling of water over the rocks.

Verse 3~ He refreshes my soul, he guides me along the right paths for His names sake.

Allow your soul to refresh in Him...Speak His name a few times...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...let HIM fill your soul...oh and when He does...WOW!   then he will guide you along the paths He wants for you. Talk with Him. Seek His guidance.

Verse 4~Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for You are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me.

No matter what you are dealing with at this time of your life, there is no reason to fear (or worry). Father God is right there with you. As the shepherd to the sheep, He guides with His "rod" and "staff". As long as you are with Him, He will keep you in His Peace...His comfort.

Verse 5~You prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. 

Because Jesus is with you, you can "rest" (not worry)  easy and go about your life.  Preparing the table with your enemies present...What is God telling you that means for you?  Anointing your head with oil in the days of David was a generous gesture saying he was an esteemed guest. How Father God wants to lavish you with such esteem.

Verse 6~Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever! 

As you continue to follow Jesus...staying close in communion with Him and living as He would want you to live...His goodness and love will be with you ALL the days of your life and you will be with Him when He receives you into His Kingdom.

Now, my friend...now you have refreshed your soul! This is where there are no apologies in speaking Truth! You can have that inner dwelling of the Holy Spirit! He can fill your soul! He can light you up from the inside out! He gives you that same power that raised Jesus from the dead! WOW! That' is a LOT of power in Jesus name! Amen!

There is so much to be given you when you are a Jesus follower! Remember to take the times to refresh your soul! Remember to be still before Father and really listen! Remember to be in His Word! Remember to talk with Him any time and anywhere! 

Know that keeping your relationship fresh and refreshed with Jesus, you will be able to do mighty things in the Name of Jesus and His mighty power! Take His hand...walk with Him...dance with Him...sing with Him...Be that soul on Fire!