Have you ever had one of those "this and that" mornings? Today! As I was talking with Father this morning during my Inspirational time...I was telling Him how I had to take care of some things before I could sit down here and talk with you. I had to take care of a few little "this and thats" before I knew I could fully focus here with you. I also told Him...we...(He and I) would write together here. I so enjoy expressing with Him!
I have been going through a variety of writings about de-cluttering and minimalizing. I am far from a minimalist but I am closer than I was! I have been de-cluttering THINGS in my home. A meme on Pinterest reads: Minimalism isn't about removing the things you love. It's more about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.
There are so many "types" of de-cluttering. For instance, I de-cluttered my summer clothes and my clothing barely takes any closet space. I love that! I only wore what I liked anyhow, so now only what I like hangs in my closet as a choice. I de-cluttered "stuff"...and still am! If it was buried in a cupboard somewhere...what good was it? Gone! There are many things we can de-clutter. Today I got rid of a social media site that quite honestly just takes up time to check out. Sure the pictures and memes were fun and interesting but my eyes and mind have enough to do with what I do have in social media. There comes a time, when you sit down, evaluate, and realize that "I have a lot of STUFF in my life". Is it all necessary?
We can clutter our homes with things...oh it was on sale so what a bargain...is it a bargain if it brings more clutter to your home and atmosphere? We can clutter our lives with all sorts of social media...busy-ness...people...We can clutter our minds with worry...stresses...fears...
It is truly liberating when we free ourselves of STUFF...TIME HOGS...MIND WASTERS! I am not here to tell you of all the things and ways to de-clutter. You can do searches online for all of that. I am here to inspire you to begin to think about doing such things because when you de-clutter it is truly liberating! You feel a freedom. Your mind becomes more alive, fresh, and alert.
Who doesn't want to be more alive, fresh, and alert in Jesus? When our homes and lives are de-cluttered we have that sense of more freedom...more freedom in Jesus.
I have been learning this summer. I thought that I had it mostly all learned because of my different health issues in the past. I thought I had learned to relax mentally taking time to simply sit with Father. I did learn. It was simply the start! I have learned more this summer. I have learned to simply sit! Sit with my cup of tea. Listen to Father. Converse with Father. Yes! I have done those things but...As I am learning to de-clutter my home and more...I am learning to de-clutter time with Father.
When I sit with Him, there is a freedom. A mental freedom. A spiritual freedom. Freedom in my soul! As it says in John 8:36, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!"
How do we receive this freedom? We de-clutter our hearts! In verse thirty four Jesus tells us that whoever practices sin is a slave to sin. We know that sin is anything that goes against God and Truth and the Truth of God's Word. There is no need for me to list the variety of sins. You know your battles and struggles. If you continue to give in to them, Jesus says you are a slave to them. Your struggles, battles, and sinning clutter your mind, heart, and soul.
So, how do we de-clutter our mind, heart, and soul? Jesus gives a simple answer in verses 31 and 32. "If you abide in my word you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." It's that simple! Clear your clutter! Clear things out of your heart, soul, and mind that have no business being there. You know what they are! Simply take them to Jesus. Give them up. Tell Him you want to "clean house". Talk things out with Him and listen. He will tell you what to get rid of. Then as it says in verse thirty six...."So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!" Now what? You have that awesome spiritual freedom in your heart, soul, and mind. What are you in for?
I believe that true freedom from Jesus is different for us all as we are all individuals and He knows our inner most being (Psalms 139). So, it is up to us to MAKE the time to experience Jesus. As I said earlier, I have been learning this summer. I am learning how much MORE of Jesus I need. I have also been learning to BE STILL with Him. I can hear you now. Be still? My life is too busy and too hectic! There is just way too much going on. My response. Read from the beginning of what I am telling you...DE-CLUTTER! Get rid of time wasters in your life. You know what they are. Ask Father to help you de-clutter your schedule. Trust me! He will! He wants more than ANYthing to be with you! To sit with you! To converse with you!
I cherish more than ANYthing my stillness with Father! Sometimes I simply sit quietly with Him. I wait for something to enter my mind. I ask Him why I just have a calm and no real "whoosh" of His presence. His answer is simply, "My calm is what you need! You don't have to FEEL some sort of hovering over your mind." (That hovering is like a hand I have felt before on my mind, His hand) "I am more than a feeling. Sometimes you merely need My calm!" I sit in stillness...in His freedom of heart, soul, and mind.
I hope to inspire you to let yourself be free in Jesus. His freedom is for everyone and it is such an exhilaration! De-clutter your heart, mind, and soul. Experience His Truth! Experience His freedom INDEED! Make time with Jesus your priority! Remove the things that distract you from your First Love...Jesus!
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