I enjoy reading...getting new insights...inspirations...
But I believe I have been worshiping the author more than the creator of the author. I have been seeking more wonderment and more strength of the Holy Spirit. Strange as it may sound and I believe because I love words, emotions, and writing I have become addicted to the authors' expressions...looking for a new "high" in what the author expresses. That is so wrong!
When I first began book reading again, it was great and I was thrilled because my brain seemed to finally have recovered from brain surgery and chemo. My brain was renewed and restored...ready to absorb!
I dove into reading! One of the books was truly a Holy Spirit inspired book and re-set my soul on fire. I began reading more books by Christian authors and honestly looked TOO forward into what they had to say...how they could touch my soul to truly seek the Holy Spirit!
At first this all seemed good. I was growing in Jesus, right? Yes! I was! The authors used insightful scripture passages! "They" were my seekers. They gave me the verses and I would eagerly highlight some verses in my YouVersion Bible app.
The Holy Spirit whispered ever so tenderly to my soul, "why are you seeking your spiritual fulfillment...your learning...your equipping...from another person? Yes, God inspired their writings BUT His Word is the True inspiration. His Word is Truth!
It's not that these authors don't speak truth~they do~and it's not that it is bad for me to be inspired or encouraged by what they have to say. God has gifted them with that~But it is on ME~It is MY heart~MY soul~MY mind that needs to delve into Scripture. I need to and I do desire to thirst for God's Word and growing in what He has to say to me!
Yes! I will continue reading books written by Christian authors. They will not be a substitution for God's Word and what I can glean from it...learn from Him directly to me! The books can be helpful, but His Word is much more significant!
I will delve deeper into the Living Word!
~Still growing and learning in Him! Seeking HIS wisdom and guidance from His Truth (the Holy Scriptures)
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