Wednesday, January 23, 2019

~Make The Appointment~

I sit here sipping my tea with has been a while since we were together last...glancing out the windows I see a beautiful act of Father's creation...snow....all sorts of snowflakes coming's a cozy feeling...

So much has happened since I last sipped tea here with you...I didn't mean to neglect you...I just got carried away in a variety of this and that's and I was also sorting things in my head...

I want to inspire you to set aside alone time with our Father. That is so important! Today I simply want to talk with you about time alone with Him.

I believe I have told you that every morning I collect up my things for my Inspirational time and make sure I have a cup of tea beside me. I have a place in my home that is set up for my Inspirational time. I have a comfy chair and a stand for holding my belongings in a quiet area of our home. I have sort of a mess of things that I deal with rather sloppily laid across my lap. I have my cell phone for the bible applications and highlighting (saving bible verses), I have a devotional book, I have my bible, and I have my journal.

I realize we all have our own ways of having time with Father and whatever works for you, do it!!! What I do goes with  my scattered mind...the flitty mind. First I set quietly with Father asking Him to show me what I need to learn form Him today. Secondly I read from the devotional book and go over any scripture there. I may pause to talk with Father during this time. I note the verses that "hit" me and save them in the phone and I turn to my bible with the paper pages, read the verse and mark up the page with thoughts that "hit" me, underline words, and write the date by it. After the devotional book, I pick up my cell phone to go to the bible application. I pretty much do the same thing with that as I do the book. As I go along through each of these devotionals, I will take a pause and write in my journal whatever comes to mind. When I am done with the devotionals, I sit quietly with Father asking Him to tell me what He wants me to remember from our time together. I stay quiet for a while. I talk to Him on and off. I listen. For some, sitting still and being quiet is difficult. Learn to do it! Discipline yourself! Sitting still with Father before and after our reading and learning time together is a MUST for me. In quietness I tune in to Him. I may or may not hear from Him but I am tuning in to our time together. Focus. When we conclude our "chair time", I praise Him and thank Him for all He has done and is doing for me or for others (I name them to Him in thankfulness). I talk with Him as a daughter would talk to her loving Father because HE is the perfect Father...the One Who has I am ready to get out of my chair, I finish up my journal by writing what I call Inspirational words for the day...something like....Trust! Hope! Life! Truth!

We can't all make the time in the morning to sit alone at length with Father. What I propose to you is this...each day set a specific time that is for you and Father alone. It is your "appointment" and appointments need to be kept. Start with the length of time that you know you will be able to give Father. Maybe you will find that is the only amount of time you can give or maybe you will discover that you can add more time to your appointment. Do what works!

When I think of what Father has done for me...created me for one...sent His only Son as a sacrifice for my sins...helped me through many health issues...and so much can I NOT want to give of my time to be with Him? How could I go about my day giving time to family, work, church, social events, even cleaning...and  more....and let Him slip off to the side. How SELF-ish!

Father has given everything of Himself to me! Can I really and truly be so selfish as to maybe give Him a quick "hello" in the  morning or a "hit the pillow prayer"? Father is relational! He wants to be in your life! Give Him time!

As we go about our day, we can always carry on a conversation with Father. Just talk with Him as you would a good friend. I believe I have said earlier in my times here with you that I talk with all Three...Father my creator, Jesus my friend who teaches,is Truth, and is along side me as I go through life's issues, and the Holy Spirit who guides and comforts and fills me with Peace and Joy when I ask. All Three are worthy of our praise and thankfulness. They are always there and so easy to talk with. 

I hope that you are excited to have your time with Father (well really all Three). I hope that you understand the importance it is to your spiritual well-being. Believe me, your soul will sing! I hope that you will be giving of your much as you can give Father. He loves you! He wants to sit quietly with you, teach you, listen to you, and comfort you! 

Make the appointment...Keep it! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

~AWEsome Day~

Sipping tea here with you on this sunny New Year's Day...I want to share with you something that I am not sure will ever occur again...and something I will remember for my lifetime...

I am dealing with getting some testing done for some spots on my lungs...2 spots...I have never smoked in my life so that came as a surprise to me. When I first learned of the spots, I honestly felt like I was going to pass out...shock I guess.

Anyhow, time went on for a few more days. I kept praying my prayers that the spots would not be cancer. I am just feeling like a "normal" person from having had breast cancer and chemo (finished March 2016). 

I was prayed over in our church on a Sunday. The following Saturday, I was doing laundry, changing loads from the dryer to a basket and the washer to the dryer as my mind suddenly felt fearful of the possibility of those spots being cancerous. I said to God and to myself, "I can't let those demons of fear and doubt grab hold of me!" Right then and there I prayed to Jesus to get rid of those two! I felt the release. Then as I stood there talking to Jesus, I felt this sense of being prayed for. "I don't know who is praying for me or if just one person is praying for me," I told Jesus,"but thank You for putting me on someone's heart and mind to pray for." Then I began to pray for God's Crazy Peace...that peace that you cannot understand until you experience it...that peace that Paul talks about in Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I immediately felt that peace in my heart, soul, and mind. I thanked Jesus for it. I stood with my hands lifted in praise to Jesus thanking Him for His peace...for a while...right there in my laundry room with a basket of clean clothes on the floor at my feet and the dryer spinning.

Something AWEsome occurred...I felt angels. I felt the "hush" of their wings. I picked up the laundry basket to take for folding. I could almost see the angels...well...I could see or sense four or five of them. They hovered over and around me. I heard their wings touching each other...they were that close to each other to surround me. Even as I write this to you I get the shivers that I felt at first when they were so near to me.

These angels were angels of peace. I could feel their peace! I heard it in their wings! I  have never experienced anything like this before. All day long they were with me...hovering over and surrounding me. 

God had not only given me His Crazy Peace inside my own soul, heart, and mind, but He sent His angels of peace to comfort surround me. During the entire day I never once even thought of the issues in my lungs. I went about the day feeling the presence of the awesome peace angels. I felt this amazing serenity. I would thank Jesus for them being with me...for Him sending them to attend me on this day...on and off I thanked Him during the day.

I knew they were with me all day...I felt...faintly saw...and heard their brushing wings at times. It was so AWEsome! 

As evening came, I felt them leaving. I smiled inside my soul. I knew they had come for me to do what they as that type of angel were to do...hush all around me...hushing my mind and soul...that feeling of them hovering and surrounding me is one I will always was so comforting.

That night as my head was on my pillow, I thanked Jesus for sending them to me...I lifted my hands in praise to Him (my husband had his back to me but he would have been fine with my arms sticking up in the air). Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thanked Jesus not only for His Crazy Peace...but for His compassion for me in sending those peace angels.

When I sit alone in silence,remembering, I can still faintly see them and faintly hear the brush of their wings. It truly was an AWEsome experience! 

I am so thankful for my Best Friend and how He takes care of my needs. I debated on sharing this with you but then I thought...why not? It may bring encouragement to someone. I hope it does! 

My faith, trust, and hope is in Jesus. I hope yours is also!