Saturday, June 9, 2018

~Daily Prayer~

Father has told me to thrive on my own with Him...he told me this a while that is what I have been doing. I have been reading His Word and no other books. I have also been reading a devotional daily BUT I have mainly been focused on Our time together in His Word. 

He had told me to read through the Psalms so that is what I have been doing. Sometimes we will side-track together as I read a Psalm or a devotional...side-track to understanding Him and His ways more. I will DuckDuckGo (safe search not like google) something to better understand it...such as I did the other day...I researched "Praying in the Spirit". I was led to a study by John Piper. Anyhow, I say ALL of this to say, since I have stopped reading books and letting other people "learn" for me, I am learning from the Teacher. I feel refreshed in what He is teaching me and enjoy talking back and forth with Him as He instructs and shows me things.

I have been talking to Father about how I know that having the Holy Spirit in me is more than a feeling but I have also told Him quite honestly that I admitted that I would like some sort of feeling (He understands this feeling-type emotional lady He created). I told Him that I believe He does flow through me...heart, lungs, and veins. So I do know that the Holy Spirit IS in me.

As I wrote to Father in my journal and we communicated, my mind wandered to a prayer...I began writing the thoughts down...thoughts that I decided I should pray daily. I decided to share them here with you.

~Daily Prayer~
Lord, I invite Your Holy Spirit into my heart, soul, mind, and lungs. I pray that my heart is like Yours, full of compassion. I want to live it and speak it. Jesus, I pray for my soul to be filled with as much of the Holy Spirit as I need today. My soul (the emotional me) can get so messy sometimes. Please hold my emotional heart gently in Your hands. Father God, I pray like it says in Romans 12:2 that you would transform my mind today. Help me to think as You would think and not be distracted by things or people that lead me away from you. Help me not to get caught up in all of the negatives in the world...or to get involved with people I know would take my mind off of You and lead me away from how You want me to live. Holy Spirit, fill my lungs with breath...please let my breath be yours. I pray that those around me see a difference in me...that is You shining through me.

Lord, please give me as much of Your Joy and Peace as I need today. Thank You! Lord, I want to be fully be different and to make a difference.

That is my daily prayer. While talking with Father, He also told me He wants me to "breathe Him in" each morning. By this I mean, He wants me to begin my day focusing on Him, closing my eyes, inhaling and saying His name...Jesus. The name of Jesus is mighty and the enemy hates it. I believe God is telling me to start my day breathing in His name because that is how I will be able to defeat the enemy. When the enemy hears the name of Jesus, he retreats. Stopping to close my eyes and say His name aloud and then exhale will strengthen this Warrior Princes In the name of Jesus for whatever I will face for the day. I may repeat it a few times before beginning my day. 

Beginning my day inhaling Jesus and praying my daily prayer (or similar) will assist me throughout my day as Jesus brings words and the thoughts to my mind as I go about whatever I face. 

Jesus is Truth! We are told to speak Truth in I speak Jesus (the Truth) in love. The Holy Spirit is our guide and counselor. How awesomely wonderful to "partner" with Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Together "we" (Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and you) are mighty mentally, emotionally, and spiritually because "we" all stand together in prayer and in His Word! 

Talk with Father and listen to what He tells you He desires of you. Listen! Sit still, wait, and listen! He will let you know! Grow in Him! There are new things to learn daily and new challenges.

*Maybe you will want to inhale saying "Jesus" more often during the you need.

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