You may never know it from the way I carry myself but I am the "Crazy" Jesus-y lady. I believe Him when He says having faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. I believe Him when He says to give Him all of my cares and worries and He will take care of them. I believe Him when He says he SO loves me. I believe Him when He says He has already been "there" so He can overcome it. I simply believe Him and believe IN Him. I believe SO much more of Him than I am expressing in words here.
Inside I cannot contain myself! My heart and soul sing to Him. Outside I am more contained. Why am I more contained? Because I think that what is on the inside of me would totally stun people. Inside I am exploding with so much Holy Spirit passion.
I think there was a time when "we", the Jesus followers, delighted in the works of the Holy Spirit. I know the people written of in Acts did. I also think that "we" the Jesus followers got more timid regarding the Holy Spirit. Sure we knew deep down inside the Strength of the Spirit and the Joy and Peace but we became timid and maybe even fearful. In my thinking that makes no sense!
The Holy Spirit was given us by Jesus to represent Jesus. The Holy Spirit is to be our helper, comforter, advocate, intercessor, counselor, strengthener, and stand-by. The Holy Spirit will teach us all things. He will help us remember what Jesus has taught us. (John 14:26).
I want so much to be able to fully express to you how amazing the Holy Spirit is. I want you to feel the welling up within your soul of Him. I want you to fully experience His existence! My hope is that you already do and are because then I won't sound like a "holy roller" to you
But the Holy Spirit is so bubbling within my soul, I just desire for all who are Jesus followers to know this reality of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

KNOW that I know that I am still learning and growing in Jesus and I in NO way think that I am more righteous than anyone. I simply want to inspire you to seek Him. Seek knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit. He ministers to each of us differently. I don't want to write all that I am learning or welling up inside with as we each have our own ways that the Holy Spirit will fill us.
As I said, I enthusiastically want to inspire you to seek more of Him in the bible. Learn. Read. Be still. Listen. I am excited as to what He will do in and through you!
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