Fasting. What do you think of when you hear that word? Stop eating for a period of time, right? Sure that is one type of fasting. It requires physical discipline and that is possibly something Jesus would want you to show your disciplined obedience to Him.
There are other types of fasting. Sometimes, for our own Peace of mind and soul we need to fast from technology. I grin as I write that because if you are reading this, you are obviously not fasting from technology. At times our brain can become over-loaded with screens and the variety of things technological devices can do. "I can't give up my cell phone! I have to be available to call or text people" (be it for work or whatever), I hear you proclaim in an exasperated tone.
Okay, God may be telling you to give up the media for a while. Many of us become almost addicted (or possibly ARE addicted) to checking the latest news. We have apps on our phones that will alert us with every new news story, we have 24 hour news channels on television, we have a variety of sources on twitter, Facebook, or YouTube, even simply checking various web sites. We don't rest from all of these "distractions" and we become fearful, overwhelmed, exhausted, etc.
Fasting is done in a variety of ways.
Fasting is:
~an act of obedience
~a powerful spiritual discipline
~time set aside to FULLY focus on God
~an act of obedience
~a powerful spiritual discipline
~time set aside to FULLY focus on God
"My soul thirsts for the living God". Psalm 42:2
Our soul needs the saturation of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever seen the pouring down of rain so heavily that the ground cannot absorb it as it leaves lakes in yards or huge puddles in roads? When we fast, the Holy Spirit can truly drench us with His power and strength as we then soak all of Him into our mind, soul, and spirit.
So, what about the fasting? you ask. Why do we do it? We fast to absorb the Holy Spirit. To learn more about Jesus. To only focus on Jesus and the things he wants to show us. When we fast, we spend time in the Bible; learning from His Word. We talk to Jesus as if talking to our best friend (because truly he IS your best friend). Talk to Jesus in words you would use if He were your friend hanging out with you, going out for dinner, just a friend who is With your side.
There is a source that lists 9 types of fasting in the bible:
• The Disciples Fast (Matthew 17:21): Deliverance from sin, addiction, bondage
• The Ezra Fast (8:23): Help and divine protection from the Satan. Ezra said that they prayed and fasted and God answered their request.
• The Samuel Fast (1 Samuel 7:6): For revival – the people were bound by idol worship and needed deliverance. Samuel called them back to seeking the Lord and to bring the Ark back to Jerusalem.
• The Elijah Fast (1 Kings 19:4,8): mental freedom from emotional problems or habits.
• The Widow’s Fast (1 Kings 17:16): She went without food To meet the physical needs of someone else. – the prophet Elijah. Because she sacrificed her food, God made sure that you would have more than enough food.
• The Paul Fast (Acts 9:9): For physical healing of his eyes and to get direction from God.
• The John the Baptist Fast (Luke 1:15): To enhance our walk with God and witness
• The Ester Fast (Esther 4:16, 5:2): Protection from the evil one.
• The Jesus Fast—For spiritual empowerment and victory over temptation, the flesh and the devil.
• The Daniel Fast – The Seeking of God’s favor in His purpose and vision for life.
~Published by Glen Wolf, a blog of practical leadership and encouragement.
• The Disciples Fast (Matthew 17:21): Deliverance from sin, addiction, bondage
• The Ezra Fast (8:23): Help and divine protection from the Satan. Ezra said that they prayed and fasted and God answered their request.
• The Samuel Fast (1 Samuel 7:6): For revival – the people were bound by idol worship and needed deliverance. Samuel called them back to seeking the Lord and to bring the Ark back to Jerusalem.
• The Elijah Fast (1 Kings 19:4,8): mental freedom from emotional problems or habits.
• The Widow’s Fast (1 Kings 17:16): She went without food To meet the physical needs of someone else. – the prophet Elijah. Because she sacrificed her food, God made sure that you would have more than enough food.
• The Paul Fast (Acts 9:9): For physical healing of his eyes and to get direction from God.
• The John the Baptist Fast (Luke 1:15): To enhance our walk with God and witness
• The Ester Fast (Esther 4:16, 5:2): Protection from the evil one.
• The Jesus Fast—For spiritual empowerment and victory over temptation, the flesh and the devil.
• The Daniel Fast – The Seeking of God’s favor in His purpose and vision for life.
~Published by Glen Wolf, a blog of practical leadership and encouragement.
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that is too often neglected. My challenge to you is to pray about fasting. Ask God what you should fast from. Then decide on a type of fasting you will do. When you have set the time aside to fast (you may want to fast from food for just a meal, or two, or a whole day...and from the media for a day...two...or longer....and other things to fast from should be sorted) During that time of fasting, that "thing" you have given up; THAT time is for fasting.
For instance if you spend 2 hours a day checking media, spend that time with Jesus. If you are truly honest with yourself and Jesus, add up the amount of time you spend reading the news apps., other news sources, etc...I imagine it is more than you think. It is sort of like when one decides to cut back on carbs, you don't realize how many carbs a day you eat until you keep track.
Whatever it is you fast from, spend THAT time you would have spent in that "activity" fasting.
Another challenge I present to you, don't tell anyone that you are fasting. Let it be between you and Father God. What would the reason be for telling someone? When your fasting period is over, you may choose to tell someone that you fasted, from what you fasted, and why you fasted in order to encourage them. Jesus tells us "But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." Mt 6:17 & 18 That means, be normal
Keep it between you and God.

My hope is that I have inspired you to fast. I hope that fasting becomes a natural practice for you. I also hope that in expressing about fasting, it is clear to you what fasting is, what to fast from, and how to fast.
Fasting gives us insight, strength from the Holy Spirit, Peace, Joy, and enables us to be more in tune with Father God.
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