Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Sipping tea here on this brisk, gray morning...During my Inspirational time this morning...I was telling Father that I had so many things running through my mind that I needed to do...I told Him I know that is part of who He created me to be...a lady with multiple things coursing through her mind at all times...and these things were a variety of tasks...tasks that actually sound fun to begin and accomplish...but tasks that are in no order and being in no order...nothing...not one of them...gets completed or sometimes not even started.

I told Father, "You know that who you created me to be is also a list maker. It just feels good to make a list". I also told Him, that I may write things down and look the list over and then feel overwhelmed and do nothing. THAT is part of who He created me to be too. I accept that. I like the lady He created me to be. 

As I sat writing in my journal about needing to do these tasks, I told Him..."I know, I know, I  just need to begin somewhere." He agreed. Of course He would. I never consider it a task to have time with my Father. Those are moments I look forward to. 

Even as I write, the "list" of tasks run through my mind. It isn't even a "time thing" with me. It is just a thing. I don't consider myself a procrastinator, I am simply an "oh this is a good idea to do" lady who then finds other things to do. I don't know if you can relate to this or not, but I have all of these "neat" things to do in my mind, it's just the reality of needing to begin and complete one at a time.

Are there things that God is calling you to do? I know that the more I make the time to be with Him, the more I hear from Him. At times I sit quietly "talking" with Him mentally. I love it when He fills my mind. The task thinking stops (grins) and I focus on Him. Do you take time to focus?...to focus on what He desires of you? 

No task should ever take His place. He should be the Ultimate "Task". When we study His Word, He reveals things to us. He reveals His desires for us. When we communicate with Him, He lets us know the desires of His heart for us and they become the desires of our heart.

I want to encourage you to make the time in your day to be with Father. Listen! Learn! Communicate! The "tasks" he desires of you, will not be beyond your capability. How do I know this? I know this because Father gives us all that we need to accomplish all that He desires of us. He may stretch us...and He usually does....but He will be there to assist and give the strength, courage, knowledge...all that we need. Believe that He will ask of you things that you never dreamed you would do. He wants your obedience! He wants you to grow in Him! He wants you to show His character here in human form!

When we take on the task that Father desires for us to do, we become closer to Him! Sometimes the task may not be a very "popular" thing to do. Do it anyway! Obey! Each time you obey Him, you will feel a renewal within your soul and you will feel (and be) closer to Him. 

If you are like me, you have multiple tasks floating around inside your head to take on. When you listen to God, you will know what He desires for you to take on. It may not be anything that is going through your mind at the time. It may be something new! Something Challenging! Something that will "show off" your God-given gifts! 

As it says in Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart". The desires of your heart will be in tune with His heart as you get to know Him more intimately on a day to day personal basis. Your heart will become one with His. THAT is how and why He will give you desires of your heart. THAT is how and why you will be able to do all that he asks of you to do.

Take it a step at a time...day by day...Jesus is always there to assist you in what He wants you to accomplish. You will be amazed at the joy and peace you will have when you fulfill what He asks of you as you go about your daily life. 

I do know that His main "task" for us all is as He says in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

This I know, Jesus' desire is for us to put into practice Matthew 28:19-20. In order for us to do so, He will guide you as to how He wants you to be doing this for Him. You may face rejection. You will be strengthened. He will give you all that you need to be  as His "hands and feet". Take time to learn from Him. Obey Him. DO what He desires of you! Your desires will collide and be the desires of both your hearts. Each time you do something He wants of you, it will make it easier for the next time. You will have trusted Him to help you with one "task" of His...and then you will be ready for the next knowing how He was there with you to do His will.

Listen! Obey! Do!

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